*This information is for Model City Tax Code purposes only


Local Option W

Exempt sales/purchases of breeding and production animals.  Replace, ONLY IF YOU HAVE NOT CHOSEN MODEL OPTION #10, Sec. ___-465(r)(4) with:

(4) neat animals, horses, asses, sheep, swine, or goats for the purpose of becoming breeding or production stock, including sales of breedings or ownership shares in such animals.

(Local Option #W (continued)).  ONLY IF YOU HAVE NOT CHOSEN MODEL OPTION #15, AND IF YOU HAVE NOT CHOSEN MODEL OPTION #10, replace Sec. ___-660(r)(4) with:

(4) neat animals, horses, asses, sheep, swine, or goats acquired for the purpose of becoming breeding or production stock, including the acquisition of breedings or ownership shares in such animals.



Mammoth Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Mammoth City Code: MH Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 4.00% Amusements 012 4


Maricopa Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Maricopa City Code: MP Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 2.00% Amusements 012


Pima Transaction Privilege Tax Rates City/Town Name: Pima City Code: PM Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 2.00% Amusements 012 2.00% Contracting


Scottsdale Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Scottsdale City Code: SC Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 1.75% Amusements


Snowflake Transaction Privilege Tax Rates City/Town Name: Snowflake City Code: SN Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 3.00% Amusements 012 3.00%


Tucson Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Tucson City Code: TU Business Code Tax Rate Amusements 012 2.60% Contracting-Prime