Uncashed Paper Payment Advisory
Phoenix, AZ—If you paid your tax liability by paper check, and the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has yet to cash your paper check payment, please note these helpful suggestions. Please allow ADOR 8-10 weeks to process the check before calling or emailing the Department. Before contacting ADOR regarding an uncashed paper payment, check with your financial institution to verify if the check has cleared your account.
Be assured, taxpayers will not accrue late-payment penalties if the full payment is postmarked by the due date.
To accurately process your payment and avoid processing delays, you must provide the amount on the line and box, and the tax identification number and tax period you want the payments applied for in the check memo. Send the payment with the original return or a payment voucher to the correct PO Box address.
Individuals who filed their returns but forgot to enclose payment can also make payments online by e-check or credit card under “Make an Individual or Small Business Income Payment” and “140V.”
Additionally, individual taxpayers who have already filed a tax return and plan to remit their payment separately should not send a paper copy of a return with their payment; instead, include a completed Form 140V.
In the future, ADOR encourages taxpayers to make payments on AZTaxes.gov. Electronic payments can be scheduled for a later date and are free for e-check. Do not send a duplicate check electronically if a payment has been mailed. See the AZTaxes Income Brochure or tutorial for assistance in making an individual income tax payment.
To receive income tax updates, subscribe to the “Individual Income Tax” list. Check out ADOR’s social media accounts for tax filing tips and reminders.
Thursday, March 23, 2023