Transfer To AHCCCS
*This information is for Model City Tax Code purposes only.
(a) From the ATC Tax payments collected each quarter, the tax collector shall retain the administrative cost.
(b) From the ATC fund remainder, the tax collector shall transfer to AHCCCS each quarter on the transfer date the transfer funds, except as provided under Subsections (c) or (d). The transfer funds are equal to the sum of: coverage amount + SNCP transfer amount + UC payment transfer amount.
(1) the coverage amount means an amount specified by AHCCCS to pay for the non-federal share of the expanded coverage for the upcoming quarter that is part of the access to care program;
(2) the SNCP transfer amount shall equal $____________ per quarter; and
(3) the UC payment transfer amount is defined under Section ___-701.
(c) Under no circumstances shall the tax collector be required to transfer a total amount of transfer funds greater than the fund remainder. If the transfer funds required under subsection (b) exceed the fund remainder, the UC payment transfer amount shall be reduced such that the amount of the transfer funds equals the fund remainder.
(d) In the event that the fund remainder is greater than the transfer funds such that there are amounts remaining in the fund after a quarterly transfer, the tax collector shall return to the participating hospitals within 15 days after the transfer date their pro rata share of the fund remainder based on the ATC quarterly tax amounts paid under Section ___-715(a). The pro-rata share shall be based on the prior quarter. Additionally, in the event a participating hospital owes the tax collector monies for the previous or current quarter, the tax collector shall offset that participating hospital’s pro-rata share by the amount owed.
(e) In the event that a participating hospital owes a shortfall amount pursuant to Section ___-715(d), the tax collector shall not transfer to AHCCCS any such shortfall amounts paid until 95 business days after receipt of the shortfall amount from the participating hospital. The tax collector shall transfer shortfall amounts to AHCCCS on the next transfer date after the 95 day period along with the transfer funds for the then-applicable quarter. In the case of shortfall amounts from the last ATC Tax payment owed before the ATC Tax terminates, the tax collector shall transfer the shortfall amounts within 15 days after the 95 day period.